ADP Shares 5 Ways Sustainability Can Help Attract and Retain Talent

ADP ranked No. 15 on the DiversityInc Top 50 Companies list in 2023.


ADP shared five ways environmental sustainability can help organizations attract and retain talent.

“Your environmental sustainability practices may be the advantage you’ve been looking for,” said Amy Freshman, Senior Director, Global HR at ADP. “No matter where you are in your journey, your efforts can be a valuable promotional tool for recruitment and retention. While you shouldn’t hesitate to promote your initiatives, know that environmental sustainability is much bigger than marketing yourself. It’s about impacting the environment. Don’t commit to it solely because it will look good to candidates and employees. Commit to it for the good of the planet. Ensure your initiatives are genuine, ethical and backed by continual action. That’s what matters.”

Commitment to environmental sustainability extends to the workplace and benefits recruitment and retention. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Improves your company’s reputation
  2. Fosters employee engagement
  3. Enhances job satisfaction and company brand
  4. Inspires a feeling of connection
  5. Entices candidates and employees to participate



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