Insights From The Cigna Group: Working Mothers’ Vitality and Struggles Revealed

The Cigna Group ranked No. 14 on the Fair360 Top 50 Companies list in 2023.


The Cigna Group recently published a report showing that while working mothers have higher vitality rates than other working women, they face disproportionate challenges compared to all working adults.

The research found that the average vitality score for working mothers with children under 18 is 68.6% compared to 66.1% of other employed women. However, the vitality rates for working mothers fall slightly below that of all working adults at 69.3%.

According to the report, working mothers are more likely to say their health is “very good” or “excellent” than other working women: overall health: 54% vs. 48%; physical health: 50% vs. 45%; mental health: 50% vs. 43%.

Working mothers also are more likely to claim they can adapt to changes (48% vs. 40%), complete difficult tasks (51% vs. 45%) and achieve their goals (50% vs. 45%) than other employed women.

Despite this, working mothers claim both their personal life suffers because of work and their work suffers because of their personal life, with higher rates than other working women and adults.

Cigna shared steps employers can take to support working mothers:

  • Agree upon realistic expectations
  • Allow time for personal commitments
  • Invest in resources

Read more about the report here.


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