Medtronic on Expanding Access to Education and Career Paths

Originally published at Medtronic ranked No. 10 on The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity list in 2022.


Through the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) internship program, Medtronic hires HBCU students studying science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) into summer internships, provides development opportunities and ultimately aims to hire them full-time — creating an early-career pipeline of diverse talent.

Building teams with diverse perspectives and backgrounds is crucial for the innovation required to bring life-saving technologies to more patients around the world. But the STEM field continues to fall short in representation of women, Black and Hispanic professionals.

“I have a different perspective as an African American man. If everyone is the same, then we won’t have diverse thinking coming in, and we won’t grow. We’ll stagnate,” said Ashanti Terry, one of the TMCF interns that have been hired at Medtronic. “That’s important, and TMCF is partnering with Medtronic to fix that. They’re working to get more voices like me in the room.”

Another part of the TMCF partnership is a multi-year scholarship program for undergraduate students at HBCUs, funded by the Medtronic Foundation.

These scholarships are part of a larger effort by the Medtronic Foundation to elevate its focus on STEM and promote equity and representation with the goal of improving the lives of underserved communities.


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