Novartis’ Christy Siegel on Autism Acceptance Month

Christy Siegel is the Oncology Portfolio GM, Breast and Womens’ Cancers at Novartis. Novartis is a Hall of Fame company.


Christy Siegel, Oncology Portfolio GM, Breast and Womens’ Cancers at Novartis, reflected on Autism Acceptance Month on LinkedIn.

Siegel listed the following three things to keep in mind this month and year round:

  • Don’t lower your expectations; anything is possible with support, creativity and perseverance.
  • All humans deserve to feel valued and have a sense of belonging.
  • It takes a village to unlock our community’s full potential.

“I take seriously my responsibility to improve inclusion, belonging and support for ALL associates at Novartis AND the diverse patient communities we serve,” Siegel wrote.


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