EY Selects 70 Black and Hispanic Entrepreneurs for Access Network

Originally published at ey.com. EY is a Hall of Fame company.


EY announced the 70 Black and Hispanic/Latino entrepreneurs from across 20 states as well as Washington, D.C., selected for this year’s cohort of the EY Entrepreneurs Access Network (EAN).

A nationwide business accelerator, EAN is a comprehensive, 12-month executive program designed to support Black- and Hispanic/Latino-owned innovative companies. Entrepreneurs were selected based on their leadership style, business acumen, company culture, level of innovation and potential for scalability. The program was first conceived in 2019, following decades of working with diverse entrepreneurs and understanding their opportunities and challenges.

This year’s cohort includes 70 individuals who run companies from more than ten industries. Many of these trailblazing founders focus on solving some of the most pressing issues facing society and consumers today. These entrepreneurs tap into new markets by creating efficiencies and connections — whether it’s a platform for organizations to collect feedback from diverse communities or bridging the gap between global consumers and rural growers.

“The contributions of Black and Hispanic/Latino entrepreneurs are nothing short of transformative, and we are thrilled to support this talented cohort as they take their businesses to the next level. The societal, economic and cultural impact of their businesses strengthens our communities on many levels — especially when these executives access the resources to succeed in the long run,” said Lee Henderson, Americas EY Private Leader and Executive Sponsor, EY Entrepreneurs Access Network.


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