Hilton Partners With Minus18 and Ruby Rose for LGBTQ+ School Formal

Originally published at stories.hilton.com. Hilton is a Hall of Fame company.’


Hilton and charity organization Minus18 have announced a nationwide partnership that aims to give​ more LGBTQIA+ young people in Australia​ the right to free, inclusive and empowering school formals. The partnership was announced by queer icon and advocate, actor, model and DJ, Ruby Rose ​during Sydney’s WorldPride.

Hilton’s ​support will see an expanded footprint for Minus18’s Queer Formals program, enabling it to roll out in new cities and regional areas nationally from 2024, with the hope of providing LGBTQIA+ ​youth nationwide the opportunity to experience their school formal as their authentic selves.

Ruby Rose has come on board as an ambassador to champion the partnership to raise awareness of the discrimination and exclusion LGBTQIA+ teens experience at school formals, from how they dress to who they bring as a date.

“As a queer person who came out at a very young age, I cannot overstate the importance of this cause. I am so overjoyed to be part of the partnership with Hilton and Minus18 to drive awareness around the need to provide more inclusive spaces for LGBTQIA+ teens. I remember, as a teen, finding an ad for the Minus18 events in a free newspaper. I don’t think I missed an event after that. At the time it was one of the only communities I truly felt free to be myself,” said Ruby Rose.

“The steps Hilton and Minus18 are taking will be life-changing for thousands of kids and young adults. We must never underestimate the impact inclusion and acceptance has on both young people in their formative years. Attending a school formal as your true self is a rite of passage that every teen deserves. Queer high schoolers too often don’t have the right support network when navigating who they are. It’s time to change this.”

Read more at stories.hilton.com.


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